Using innovative technology that improves surgical accuracy, the Technolas® 217 laser far exceeded FDA benchmarks in clinical trials. This is a German-made laser, and it has been the most preferred and frequently used laser in the world outside of the United States.
Bausch & Lomb Technolas® 217 Laser

Using innovative technology that improves surgical accuracy, the Technolas® 217 laser far exceeded FDA benchmarks in clinical trials. This is a German-made laser, and it has been the most preferred and frequently used laser in the world outside of the United States. Dr. Phillip Hoopes’ former practice in Kansas City performed some of the FDA clinical trials on this laser, allowing him to learn about its superior results firsthand.
The FDA Premarket Approval (PMA) clinical study results showed that 99.7 percent of all patients who had undergone laser vision correction surgery with the Technolas® 217 saw 20/40 or better without glasses or contact lenses; this rate is 14.7 percent higher than FDA guidance requires. Additionally, the results showed that 87.3 percent of all patients in the study saw 20/20 or better without glasses or contact lenses after the surgery.
Using the latest technology, the laser corrects refractive errors by utilizing its small beam profile to flatten the cornea centrally and then “polishes” the periphery, or transition zone, to produce an extremely smooth cornea. Hoopes Vision was fortunate to have received one of the first Technolas® lasers to be delivered after its approval on February 24, 2000. It is capable of performing wavefront-guided and traditional LASIK procedures. For many years this laser was among the most advanced available. We have stopped using the Technolas having found superior outcomes for our patients with more modern lasers such as the Allegretto Wave.